Index A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | V | W A analytic function angular momentum atomic polarizability B bispinor black body spectrum Bohr radius, [1] Born-Oppenheimer approximation bosons, [1] bound states C Cauchy-Riemann equations Clebsch-Gordan coefficients commutator complete set of functions complex numbers Copenhagen interpretation, [1] covalent bond D d'Alembertian degenerate eigenvalues density matrix density operator determinant differential equations Dirac equation dispersion relation E Ehrenfest theorem eigenstates eigenvalue equation eigenvalue spectrum eigenvalues eigenvectors entanglement EPR paradox Euler's formula excited state F Fermi surface fermions, [1] fine structure constant, [1] fine structure of hydrogen free electron gas model fundamental theorem of algebra G generalized Ehrenfest theorem generator Gram-Schmidt process ground state group velocity gyromagnetic ratio H Heisenberg picture Heitler-London approximation Hellman-Feynman theorem Hermitian conjugate hidden variables holomorphic function Hund's rules hydrogenic orbitals I idempotent operator inverse matrix K k-space Klein-Gordon equation L Laguerre polynomials Larmor precession Legendre polynomials linear algebra M magnetic dipole moment magnetic resonance imaging matrix determinant eigenvalues eigenvectors inverse orthogonal matrix, [1] transpose matrix elements metric tensor mixed state, [1] moments momentum N normalization condition nuclear magnetic resonance O orthogonal matrix, [1] orthohelium P parahelium Pauli exclusion principle Pauli spin matrices perturbation theory phase velocity photo-electric effect plane waves product state product state space pure state Q quantum number magnetic, [1] orbital, [1] principal R realist view relativistic correction Rydberg energy S scanning tunneling microscope scattering states Schrö dinger equation dinger picture separation of variables Slater-type orbitals solids Sommerfeld free electron gas model spectral decomposition spin singlet, [1] triplet spin-orbit coupling, [1] spinor statistical interpretation of the wave function symmetry symmetry adapted linear combination T tensor product time evolution operator time-independent Schrö dinger equation total angular momentum translationally invariant system translationally symmetric system tunneling V valence electrons van der Waals force variational principle virial theorem W wave function wave packet wave vector