7.1. Orthogonal Complements#

7.1.1. The Orthogonal Complement#

In this section, we will introduce the orthogonal complement of a subspace. This concept will help us define orthogonal projections easily.

Definition 7.1.1

Suppose \(V\) is a subspace of \(\R^{n}\). Then the orthogonal complement of \(V\) is the set

\[V^{\bot}=\left\{\vect{u}\in\R^{n}\mid \vect{u}\ip\vect{v}=0\text{ for all } \vect{v}\text{ in }V\right\}.\]

in other words, it is the set of all vectors that are orthogonal to all of \(V\).

Proposition 7.1.1

For a vector to be in \(V^{\bot}\), it suffices that it is orthogonal to all elements in a basis of \(V\) or, slightly more general, to all elements in a spanning set of \(V\).

Exercise 7.1.1

Prove Proposition 7.1.1.

Let us consider some simple examples.

Example 7.1.1

  1. Let \(V\) be the subspace spanned by a single vector \(\vect{v}\) in \(\R^{2}\) and let \(\vect{u}\) be any vector in \(\R^{2}\), say:

    \[\begin{split} \vect{v}= \begin{bmatrix} 1\\ 2 \end{bmatrix} \text{ and }\vect{u}= \begin{bmatrix} a_{1}\\ a_{2} \end{bmatrix}. \end{split}\]

    Then \(\vect{u}\) is in \(V^{\bot}\) if and only if \(\vect{u}\ip\vect{v}=a_{1}+2a_{2}=0\). So we find that \(V^{\bot}\) is the line described by the equation \(a_{1}+2a_{2}=0\). The vector \(\vect{v}\) is a normal vector to this line.

  2. Let us now consider two vectors in \(\R^{3}\), for example

    \[\begin{split} \vect{v}_{1}= \begin{bmatrix} 2\\ 1\\ -2 \end{bmatrix} \quad\text{and}\quad\vect{v}_{2}= \begin{bmatrix} 4\\ 2\\ 0 \end{bmatrix}. \end{split}\]

    \(V^{\bot}\) now consists of those vectors \(\vect{u}\) that satisfy both \(\vect{u}\ip\vect{v}_{1}=0\) and \(\vect{u}\ip\vect{v}_{2}=0\). Solving this system of two equations in three variables, we find

    \[\begin{split} V^{\bot}=\left\{ \begin{bmatrix} -t\\ 2t\\ 0 \end{bmatrix} \mid t\in\R \right\}, \end{split}\]

    so \(V^{\bot}\) is a line through the origin in three-dimensional space.

  3. Both examples are illustrated in Figure 7.1.1.


Fig. 7.1.1 The orthogonal complement of a 1-dimensional subspace of \(\R^{2}\) (left) and of a 2-dimensional subspace of \(\R^{3}\) (right).#

In Example 7.1.1, we twice found \(V^{\bot}\) to be a subspace. This is not a coincidence, as Proposition 7.1.2 shows.

Proposition 7.1.2

For any subspace \(V\) of \(\R^{n}\), the orthogonal complement \(V^{\bot}\) is a subspace, too. Moreover, the only vector that is both in \(V\) and in \(V^{\bot}\) is \(\vect{0}\).

Proof of Proposition 7.1.2

Since the zero vector is orthogonal to any vector, it is in \(V^{\bot}\). Suppose now that \(\vect{u}_{1}\) and \(\vect{u}_{2}\) are in \(V^{\bot}\). Then, for arbitrary \(\vect{v}\) in \(V\), \((\vect{u}_{1}+\vect{u}_{2})\ip \vect{v}=\vect{u}_{1}\ip\vect{v}+\vect{u}_{2}\ip\vect{v}=0\), so \(\vect{u}_{1}+\vect{u}_{2}\) is in \(V^{\bot}\).

Assume now that \(\vect{u}\) is in \(V^{\bot}\) and that \(c\) is any scalar. Then, again for every \(\vect{v}\) in \(V\), \((c\vect{u})\ip\vect{v}=c(\vect{u}\ip\vect{v})=0\) so \(c\vect{u}\) is in \(V^{\bot}\). This shows that \(V^{\bot}\) is a subspace.

If \(\vect{v}\) is both in \(V\) and \(V^{\bot}\), then \(\vect{v}\ip\vect{v}=0\) so \(\vect{v}=\vect{0}\).

As we have seen in Section 4.1, the column space and null space of any \(n\times m\) matrix are subspaces of \(\R^{n}\) and \(\R^{m}\), respectively. It turns out that the transposition \({}^{T}\) and the orthogonal complement \({}^{\bot}\) relate these two spaces to each other.

Proposition 7.1.3

For any matrix \(A\) we have \(\mathrm{Col}(A^{T})^{\bot}=\mathrm{Nul}(A)\) and \(\mathrm{Col}(A)^{\bot}=\mathrm{Nul}(A^{T})\).

Proof of Proposition 7.1.3

Note that the second claim is easily derived from the first by substituting \(A^{T}\) for \(A\). Let \(\vect{r}_{1},...,\vect{r}_{n}\) be the rows of \(A\). Then \(\vect{r}_{1}^{T},...,\vect{r}_{n}^{T}\) are the columns of \(A^{T}\). For any vector \(\vect{x}\) in \(\R^{m}\), we have


Now, \(\vect{x}\) is in \(\mathrm{Nul}(A)\) precisely when \(A\vect{x}=\vect{0}\) or, in other words, when \(\vect{r}_{i}^{T}\ip\vect{x}=0\) for any \(i\). Since the set \(\left\{\vect{r}_{1}^{T},..,\vect{r}_{n}^{T}\right\}\) spans \(\mathrm{Col}(A^{T})\), this is equivalent to \(\vect{x}\) being in \(\mathrm{Col}(A^{T})^{\bot}\).

Remark 7.1.1

Since, for any matrix \(A\), the rows of \(A\) are the columns of \(A^{T}\), \(\mathrm{Row}(A)=\mathrm{Col}(A^{T})\). Proposition 7.1.3 then implies that \(\mathrm{Row}(A)^{\bot}=\mathrm{Nul}(A)\).

The strength of Proposition 7.1.3 lies mainly in the fact that it allows us to actually find the orthogonal complement of a given subspace.

Example 7.1.2

Let \(V\) be the subspace of \(\R^{5}\) spanned by the vectors

\[\begin{split} \vect{v}_{1}= \begin{bmatrix} 1\\ 3\\ -1\\ 5\\ 2 \end{bmatrix},\vect{v}_{2}= \begin{bmatrix} 2\\ 5\\ 4\\ -1\\ -3 \end{bmatrix}, \quad\text{and}\quad\vect{v}_{3}= \begin{bmatrix} 4\\ 11\\ 2\\ 9\\ 1 \end{bmatrix}. \end{split}\]

\(V\) is, by definition, the column space of the matrix \(A=[\vect{v}_{1}\,\vect{v}_{2}\,\vect{v}_{3}]\). By Proposition 7.1.3, we can find the orthogonal complement of \(V\) by finding the null space of \(A^{T}\). By standard computations we find:

\[\begin{split} A^{T}=\begin{bmatrix} 1&3&-1&5&2\\ 2&5&4&-1&-3\\ 4&11&2&9&1 \end{bmatrix}\sim \begin{bmatrix} 1&0&17&-28&-19\\ 0&1&-6&11&7\\ 0&0&0&0&0 \end{bmatrix}, \end{split}\]


\[\begin{split} V^{\bot}=\mathrm{Nul}(A^{T})=\left\{ \begin{bmatrix} -17x_{3}+28x_{4}+19x_{5}\\ 6x_{3}-11x_{4}-7x_{5}\\ x_{3}\\ x_{4}\\ x_{5} \end{bmatrix}\mid x_{3},x_{4},x_{5}\in\R \right\}. \end{split}\]

Proposition 7.1.4

If \(V\) is a subspace of \(\R^{n}\), then \(\dim(V)+\dim(V^{\bot})=n\).

Proof of Proposition 7.1.4

Let \(A\) be a matrix for which the columns are a basis of \(V\). Then \(n\) is the number of rows of \(A\) which in turn is the number of columns of \(A^{T}\). By Theorem 4.2.2, \(\dim(\mathrm{Col}(A^{T}))+\dim(\mathrm{Nul}(A^{T}))\) is the number of columns of \(A^{T}\), which is the number of rows of \(A\). Using Proposition 7.1.3, this yields

\[ n=\dim(\mathrm{Col}(A^{T}))+\dim(\mathrm{Nul}(A^{T}))=\dim(\mathrm{Col}(A^{T}))+\dim(\mathrm{Col}(A)^{\bot}). \]

Using Proposition 4.2.5 and \(\mathrm{Row}(A^{T})=\mathrm{Col}(A)\), we find therefore:

\[ n=\dim(\mathrm{Row}(A^{T}))+\dim(\mathrm{Col}(A)^{\bot})=\dim(\mathrm{Col}(A))+\dim(\mathrm{Col}(A)^{\bot}). \]

7.1.2. The Orthogonal Decomposition#

One particular application of the orthogonal complement is the following theorem, which allows us to write, for an arbitrary subspace \(V\), any vector \(v\) as a part within \(V\) and a part orthogonal to \(V\).

Proposition 7.1.5

Let \(V\) be a subspace of \(\R^{n}\). For an arbitrary vector \(\vect{u}\) in \(\R^{n}\), there exist unique vectors \(\vect{u}_{V}\) and \(\vect{u}_{V^{\bot}}\) in \(V\) and \(V^{\bot}\), respectively, such that \(\vect{u}=\vect{u}_{V}+\vect{u}_{V^{\bot}}\). This is called the orthogonal decomposition of \(\vect{u}\) with respect to \(V\).

Proof of Proposition 7.1.5

Let \(\vect{v}_{1},...,\vect{v}_{k}\) be a basis for \(V\) and let \(\vect{v}_{k+1},...,\vect{v}_{n}\) be a basis for \(V^{\bot}\). We claim that the vectors \(\vect{v}_{1},...,\vect{v}_{k},\vect{v}_{k+1},...,\vect{v}_{n}\) are linearly independent. Indeed, if there were a linear combination

\[ c_{1}\vect{v}_{1}+\cdots+c_{k}\vect{v}_{k}+c_{k+1}\vect{v}_{k+1}+\cdots +c_{n}\vect{v}_{n}=\vect{0} \]

we would find that

\[ \vect{w}=c_{1}\vect{v}_{1}+\cdots+c_{k}\vect{v}_{k}=-c_{k+1}\vect{v}_{k+1}-\cdots -c_{n}\vect{v}_{n} \]

is in both \(V\) and \(V^{\bot}\). By Proposition 7.1.2, \(\vect{w}=\vect{0}\). Since \(\vect{v}_{1},...,\vect{v}_{k}\) and \(\vect{v}_{k+1},...,\vect{v}_{n}\) are bases, it follows that all \(c_{i}\) are \(0\).

Since \(\vect{v}_{1},...,\vect{v}_{k},\vect{v}_{k+1},...,\vect{v}_{n}\) is a linearly independent set of \(n\) vectors in \(n\)-dimensional space, it must be a basis. Consequently, every vector \(\vect{u}\) in \(\R^{n}\) can be written in a unique way as a linear combination

\[ \vect{u}=c_{1}\vect{v}_{1}+\cdots+c_{k}\vect{v}_{k}+c_{k+1}\vect{v}_{k+1}+\cdots +c_{n}\vect{v}_{n}. \]

Putting \(\vect{u}_{V}=c_{1}\vect{v}_{1}+\cdots+c_{k}\vect{v}_{k}\) and \(\vect{u}_{V^{\bot}}=c_{k+1}\vect{v}_{k+1}+\cdots +c_{n}\vect{v}_{n}\) finishes the proof.


Fig. 7.1.2 A subspace \(V\), a vector \(\vect{u}\) and the orthogonal decomposition of \(\vect{u}\) with respect to \(V\).#

Example 7.1.3

Consider the vectors

\[\begin{split} \vect{v}_{1}=\begin{bmatrix} 1\\ 1\\ 1 \end{bmatrix} ,\quad \vect{v}_{2}=\begin{bmatrix} 2\\ -1\\ 2 \end{bmatrix} ,\quad\text{and}\quad\vect{u}=\begin{bmatrix} 2\\ -3\\ 4 \end{bmatrix} \end{split}\]

and let \(V\) be the subspace of \(\R^{3}\) spanned by \(\vect{v}_{1}\) and \(\vect{v}_{2}\). Put

\[\begin{split} \vect{u}_{V}=\begin{bmatrix} 3\\ -3\\ 3 \end{bmatrix}\quad\text{and}\quad \vect{u}_{V^{\bot}}=\begin{bmatrix} -1\\ 0\\ 1 \end{bmatrix}. \end{split}\]

It is easy to check that, as the notation suggests, \(\vect{u}_{V}\) is in \(V\) (since \(\vect{u}_{V}=-\vect{v}_{1}+2\vect{v}_{2}\)) and \(\vect{u}_{V^{\bot}}\) is in \(V^{\bot}\) (since \(\vect{u}_{V^{\bot}}\ip\vect{v}_{1}=0=\vect{u}_{V^{\bot}}\ip\vect{v}_{2}\)). So \(\vect{u}=\vect{u}_{V}+\vect{u}_{V^{\bot}}\) is the orthogonal decomposition of \(\vect{u}\) with respect to \(V\). How we can compute such a decomposition will be shown in Section 7.2.

7.1.3. Grasple Exercises#

Grasple Exercise 7.1.1


Finding vectors orthogonal to two given vectors in \(\R^4\).

Grasple Exercise 7.1.2


Find a basis for the orthogonal complement of span\(\{\vect{v}_1,\vect{v}_2\}\) in \(\R^4\).

Grasple Exercise 7.1.3


Find a basis for the orthogonal complement of the column space of a matrix.

Grasple Exercise 7.1.4


Find the orthogonal decomposition of a vector \(\vect{u}\) in \(\R^2\) w.r.t. span\(\{\vect{v}\}\).

Grasple Exercise 7.1.5


Find the orthogonal decomposition of a vector \(\vect{u}\) in \(\R^3\) w.r.t. span\(\{\vect{v}_1,\vect{v}_2\}\).

Grasple Exercise 7.1.6


Find the orthogonal decomposition of a vector \(\vect{u}\) in \(\R^4\) w.r.t. span\(\{\vect{v}_1,\vect{v}_2\}\).

Grasple Exercise 7.1.7


Give a geometric description of \(V^{\bot}\).