''' One mistake which is often made in code in general, but also functions specifically (since functions especially are designed to be generic and flexible), is hardcoding. This is where one variable is set to a specific value which restricts the use cases of a particular piece of code. In this exercise, you are provided with code that determines whether a sample contains a sufficient number of cells for a study. The code is hardcoded to check if the sample contains at least 100 cells, which works for some studies but not for others. Modify the code such that it would also work for studies which have different thresholds. ''' def is_sufficient_cells(cell_count): # Hardcoded threshold for 100 cells if cell_count >= 100: return True else: return False # Example 1: Study with 100 cell threshold (works fine) sample_cell_count = 120 print("Is the sample sufficient?", is_sufficient_cells(sample_cell_count)) # Example 2: Study with 200 cell threshold (doesn't work correctly) print("Is the sample sufficient for a study requiring 200 cells?", is_sufficient_cells(sample_cell_count)) ''' It is important to note that not everything needs to be 100% flexible, for example, in this cases leaving the cell count hardcoded might be fine, as it might only be used by your lab which always uses the same amount, or the number is an industry standard which is always used. This makes this a consideration between flexibility and simplicity. There is also another way to solve it using default parameters, which looks like this: def function(force, mass = 10): '''