''' Organelles You receive the radius of a typical human skin cell, as well as two dictionaries, one with the radii of various organelles and one with the number of these organelles typically found in a skin cell. Write a piece of code that calculates the volume percentage each of these organelles takes up in the cell. You may assume that the organelles are spherical. Store the volume percentages in a dictionary named `volume_percentages` with the same keys as the original two dictionaries. Do not round the percentages. ''' pi = 3.1415 cell_radius = 40 # micrometers organelle_radius = {"nucleus" : 15, "mitochondrion" : 3, "golgi" : 5e-1, "ribosome" : 1e-3} # all in micrometers organelle_number = {"nucleus" : 1, "mitochondrion" : 200, "golgi" : 1, "ribosome" : 10e7} # Start your solution here ''' Solution to this exercise is: {'nucleus': 5.2734375, 'mitochondrion': 8.437500000000002, 'golgi': 0.0001953125, 'ribosome': 0.00015625} '''