''' DNA is a double-stranded molecule containing two complementary strands. To make an mRNA, a part of a DNA strand is transcribed. The resulting mRNA has nucleotides complementary to the DNA template (note: RNA contains uracil instead of thymine). ''' ''' Exercise: Pseudocode For each of the exercises below, start by writing pseudocode on a piece of paper. Only once you're done with pseudocode should you start working on Python code in VS Code. ''' ''' Exercise A: DNA strands Find the strand complementary to the given DNA strand. Note that the input DNA string may *not* be only made of A, T, G, and C. The program should be able to handle this: represent a failed match as an X. Store the output string in DNA_complement variable. ''' DNA = "GPAGAGATTTYGTGACAGCATABGACGAGATTTTAGATACCCGATATATAGAHCG" # Your code here ''' Exercise B: Transcription Transcribe the given DNA sequence into an mRNA sequence. Note that the input DNA string may *not* be only made of A, T, G, and C. The program should be able to handle this: represent a failed match as an X. Store the output string in mRNA variable. ''' DNA = "GPAGAGATTTYGTGACAGCATABGACGAGATTTTAGATACCCGATATATAGAHCG" # Your code here ''' Exercise C (Bonus): Match-case Do the same as in Exercise B, but use match-case. ''' DNA = "GPAGAGATTTYGTGACAGCATABGACGAGATTTTAGATACCCGATATATAGAHCG" # Your code here