''' A biologist has measured the concentration of their favourite protein in cell lysates over time, recorded in 10-minute intervals over a 24-hour period. The concentrations are stored in a 1D NumPy array. ''' import numpy as np np.random.seed(0) # Setting seed for random number generation for reproducibility time_points = np.arange(0, 1440, 10) # Time in minutes protein_concentration = np.random.uniform(0.1, 1.0, len(time_points)) # Concentrations in nmol/L ''' Exercise A: Extract the concentrations between the 6th and 10th hours and print them. ''' # Your code here ''' Exercise B: Get concentrations measured at every full hour and print them. ''' # Your code here ''' Exercise C: Extract the concentrations from the last 3 hours and print them. ''' # Your code here