''' You can use the following documentation for this exercise: https://docs.python.org/3/library/functions.html#print. # Print statements You have already encountered some examples of the `print()` function. The print function allows you to read the outputs of your code. It is a versatile tool that is very useful for debugging and figuring out whether your code actually does what you think it does. In this exercise, we will explore some useful properties of the print function. The print function itself is fairly simple. Use it to print the statement "The answer is 42". ''' # Your code here ''' You can also use `print()` to print the value of a variable. Define and print a variable: ''' # Your code here ''' You can do some simple formatting in a print statement. For example, use `\n` for an enter and `\t`for a tab. Print this haiku in the proper form (5/7/5 syllables per line): "coding is the best / don’t let it make you feel dumb / keep calm, debug on". ''' # Your code here ''' Finally, you can enter multiple variables and/or objects in a single print statement using commas to separate the string and the variables. In the following code, print a cohesive sentence containing all information on the following protein: ''' protein_name = "Sonic Hedgehog protein" number_of_amino_acids = 462 location_encoding_gene = "Chromosome 7" # Put your code here ''' # Formatted strings (f-strings) To combine multiple types of variables in a string or in a print statement, we can also use f-strings. These usually make your code a bit more readable. To create an f-string, we preface the string with an f (`f".."`) and we put variables between curly brackets (`{variable}`). For example: ''' print(f"The {protein_name} has {number_of_amino_acids} amino acids and can be found on {location_encoding_gene}.")