''' Plotting functions II Exercise A1: Cell movement - MSD A freely moving cell in 2D approximately follows the diffusion formula, which gives the mean squared distance (MSD) from the origin: d(t)^2 = 4 * D * t with D the so-called diffusion constant. Let D = 1 m^2/s. Calculate and plot the MSD for the first 100 seconds of movement. Note that the unit of d(t)^2 is m^2. ''' # Your code here ''' Exercise A2: Cell movement - Fuhrt A more accurate representation of a 2D moving cell is Fuhrt's formula, d(t)^2 = 4 * D * (t - P * (1-e^{-t/P})) where D and P are the diffusion and persistence constants. For our purposes, we assume D = 1 m^2/s and P = 15 s. Calculate and plot the MSD for the first 100s of movement. Compare with the previous plot. ''' # Your code here ''' Exercise B: The ideal gas law The ideal gas law is as follows: p * V = N * kB *T with p the pressure, V the volume of the gas, N the particle number, k_B the Boltzmann constant, and T the temperature. 1. Write a function for the volume depending on the pressure and temperature (keeping the particle number as a constant). 2. Let N = 1 and k_B = 1.4 * 10^{-23} J/K. Assume 1 atm pressure (101325 Pa). Plot the volume between 100 K and 1,000 K. Is the relationship as expected from the equation? 3. Let N = 1 and k_B = 1.4 * 10^{-23} J/K. Assume room temperature (about 300 K). Plot the volume as a function of pressure between 1,000 Pa and 1,0000 Pa. Is the relationship as expected? ''' # Your code here ''' Exercise C: Michaelis-Menten Remember the Michaelis-Menten equation describing an enzymatic reaction: v = V_{max}[S] / K_M + [S] with V_{max} = k_2 * [E_{tot}] and K_M = k_1+k_2 / k_{-1}. The variables here represent the reaction rate constants k_1, k_{-1} and k_2, the total enzyme concentration [E_{tot}], the substrate concentration [S] and the maximum reaction velocity V_{max}. 1. Create a function for the Michaelis-Menten equation depending on substrate concentration [S] and reaction constant k_1. 2. Compute and plot the reaction velocity as a function of [S] in [0,10] [mmol] for k_1 = 2 /s, k_2 = 1 mmol/s, k_{-1} = 1 mmol/s and E_{tot} = 2 mmol. Don't forget to properly annotate the axes and give the correct units. 3. Now keep the substrate concentration constant at a value of 4 mmol and plot the MM-equation as function of k_1 in [0,5]. How does k_1 influence the reaction velocity? ''' # Your code here